October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Pink Awareness Ribbon 1oz .999 Silver Medallion Available

October brings about a number of changes in the country. Leaves start to turn and fall, temperatures get cooler, pumpkin-spiced everything hits the shelves everywhere, and our awareness involving breast cancer sharpens just a little bit more. Pink shows up everywhere: on clothes, shoes, in the media, on the NFL’s jerseys and football fields, across a number of platforms, and so on. Everyone will see or hear the rumblings of breast cancer awareness.

The month of October is officially Breast Cancer Awareness month and has become a global campaign over the years to raise awareness for the disease that affects so many women. Events such as 5K walks/runs, awareness high school and college games across the country, and charity events take place to spread the word about early detection, diagnosis, stages of the horrific disease, and survivorship. There are numerous organizations committed to fighting the disease and of course, one of the most popular ways to bring about awareness is with the help of awareness ribbons themselves.

GO PINK! - Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Ribbon Silver Rounds

Exclusive to SilverTowne and custom minted at our very own SilverTowne Mint in Winchester, Indiana, this one-ounce .999 fine silver bullion round is the perfect way to show your love and support to those who have been affected by breast cancer. The obverse features an enameled light pink awareness ribbon that has been painted by hand. The words “FAITH STRENGTH LOVE FIGHT COURAGE HOPE” are inscribed on the surface with the intent of providing the utmost of encouragement. The reverse depicts our standard non-dated back that leaves an area for engraving a special message. The weight (ONE OUNCE) and purity (.999 FINE SILVER) designations also surround the area.

The special breast cancer pink awareness ribbon silver medallion will arrive safely as it is secured in a protective plastic capsule inside of our SilverTowne gift box made with natural kraft paper from recycled materials. The medallion then will fit securely inside the dark grey foam insert that fits directly inside the box. Top off the gift box with an in-house designed fitted light pink ribbon outer sleeve. There are also a number of sleeve design options available to choose from. No matter which one you choose, customize your gift by using the designated blank area on the back that was designed just for your special message! No gift wrapping is needed!

Helping Women Now – National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.’s (NBCF) mission is to Help Women Now through early detection, education, and support services. They aim to provide help and inspire hope to those affected by breast cancer as 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed in her lifetime, with early diagnosis critical to survival. NBCF provides free programs to those facing breast cancer so that no one must go it alone, helping to ensure that no one falls through the gaps of cancer care and that every woman has the access and information she needs to get through every necessary step of her journey.

Engraving Your Message of Support

In 40 characters or less, you have the opportunity to make this special bullion piece a keepsake that will forever be cherished. Supporting loved ones who are facing or have faced this trying journey through a special message on this silver bullion piece is a great and unique way to encourage them during this month of October.

Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon 1oz .999 Silver Medallion Enameled in Gift Box
Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon 1oz .999 Silver Medallion Enameled in Gift Box
Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon 1oz .999 Silver Medallion Enameled in Gift Box
Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon 1oz .999 Silver Medallion Enameled in Gift Box

Source: National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.